Upcoming European Coatings Show 2023
Category: Exhibition
Date: 2023-03-07
Click: 4888
Author: Xiaohei


Shows Info

Since its premiere under the name of “Farbe und Lack” in 1991, the European Coatings Show has developed into today’s biggest and most important event in the world for the coatings industry. The event set new records in 2019 with 1.156 exhibitors. The very large international share of 69% for exhibitors and 64% for visitors also emphasizes the importance of the European Coatings Show as the world’s leading exhibition.The product spectrum at the show reflects the innovations in paint and coatings. Every two years, the formulators of paint, coatings, adhesives and sealants, producer of additives, producer of construction chemical products, industrial processors and representatives from science and research discuss the latest developments in the coatings industry.


BEVS Booth

BEVS will attend the event together with dealer Thierry as before. Event Info below FYI:

Booth No.: 4-641, Hall 4

Date: March 28 – 30, 2023

Address: Messezentrum 90471 Nürnberg, Germany


Welcome and visit our booth!