
  • Grindometer
  • Grindometer
  • Grindometer
  • Grindometer
  • Grindometer
Introduction: BEVS Fineness of Grind Gauge is manufactured according to the GB/T1724, ISO1524 standard.
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BEVS Fineness of Grind Gauge is manufactured according to the GB/T1724, ISO1524 standard.

Technical Specification:
Material: Stainless steel


                 BEVS 1903                                                BEVS 1906                                             BEVS 1905
      Single-Channel Grind Gauge            Wide Single Channel Grind Gauge              Triple-Channel Grind Gauge

Order Information:

Item Order No.Effective Groove Size (L×W) (mm)Measurement Range(μm)Dimension(mm)Division Value UnitNumber of Grooves
Single Channel Grind Gauge1903/25 140×12.5 0-25175×65×13 2.5 μm 1
1903/50 140×12.50-50175×65×13 5 μm 1
1903/100140×12.50-100175×65×13 10 μm 1
Double Channel Grind Gauge1908/25140×12.50-25175×65×13 2.5 H &μm 2
1908/50 140×12.50-50 175×65×13 5 H &μm 2
1908/100 140×12.50-100175×65×13 10 H &μm 2
Wide Single Channel Grind Gauge1906/25140×370-25175×65×13 2.5 H &μm 1
1906/50140×37 0-50175×65×13 5 H &μm 1
1906/100140×37 0-100175×65×13 10 H &μm 1
Triple Channel Grind Gauge1905140×12.5 0-25/50/100175×85×13 2.5/5/10 μm 3

*A scraper is included.

Accessory: BEVS1907 Scraper For Fineness of Grind Gauge

Vorherige Seite: Automatisches Filmaufziehgerät
Nächste Seite: Münzkratzer-Tester

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